Thursday, January 3, 2013

Yarn Letter Wreaths

How to Make:

What you need: a wooden letter, yarn, decorative flowers, and ribbon.  First I wrapped the wooden letter with the yarn.  The first time I started wrapping the yarn I hot gluded it down and continued to hot glue every once in a while to secure it down.  Once the whole letter is wrapped, I hot glued or clipped the flower/flowers onto the letter.  Lastly, I tied a bow with the ribbon and stapled it to the back with a heavy duty staple gun.


Canvas & Scrapbook Paper Wall Art


How to Make the Wall Art:

This was a fun project and looks super cute when it's all done!  First, I painted a blank canvas black.  While the paint dried, I used different sized leaf cut outs, that I printed off the internet, to trace onto the back of scrapbook paper.  Next, I cut out the the traces of leaves on the scrapbook paper and strategically placed them on the board after it dried.  Then, I used Mod Podge to glue down each piece.  About 30 minutes later, I used a sponge brush to cover the entire canvas with Mod Podge to seal it.  I put a second sealer coat on again after the first coat dried.
Side View: